
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

You can submit an application at any time, 但最好至少提前6个月:(1)年满55岁, or (2) the month you plan to receive pension benefits. 申请晚了会延迟你的生效日期,并导致你损失金钱.

申请退休金不会影响你的工作. 直到你通知你的雇主你准备退休,你的退休金才会开始发放. After you retire and your pension has been approved, 皇冠搏彩中心网站将向雇主发送您的批准信副本,通知他们您可能有资格享受退休人员健康福利.

这取决于收集建立你的完整工作经历所需的所有信息的难度. 如果皇冠搏彩中心网站需要从社会保障要求一份收益表, that may take 60 to 90 days. 处理人员将与您一起收集所需的所有信息. 你在申请中提交的信息越多,处理的速度就越快. 请参阅申请封面内的养老金申请清单,以获取基本文件列表. After your final retirement documents have been received, 通常需要两到三个星期才能收到你的第一张支票, depending on the volume of applications in process with the Funds.

如果您的任何工作或个人/家庭信息在完成之前的养老金或福利声明后发生了变化, 或者,如果您正在申请残疾养老金,您应该填写另一份申请,以便我们了解最新信息.

如果你几年前只填了一张蓝色的表格来申请Pre-76声明, 在开始领取养老金之前,你必须完成一份养老金申请. 你的退休金的生效日期可能部分取决于我们收到你的申请的日期.

一般, health benefits are provided by your last signatory employer, and you must contact them regarding your health card. 皇冠搏彩中心网站会将你的退休金批准信副本寄给你的雇主.

领取养老金者的健康福利资格取决于你的养老金类型. 领取递延既得养恤金服务年限不足20年的养恤金领取者和使用非分类(受薪)服务领取养恤金的养恤金领取者没有资格领取健康福利. 如果你的年龄在55岁以下,领取特殊永久失业养老金或30岁退休养老金, you will not be eligible until age 55.

如果你的上一个雇主决定不再经营,并且在经济上无法提供健康福利, you may file an application for benefits from the Funds.

Note: On June 30, 1985, UMWA建筑工人养老金计划是从UMWA 1974年养老金计划中分离出来的.

If you worked for a coal mine construction company as of June 30, 1985, 在此日期之前的所有服务都分配给施工计划, 你需要联系建筑工人养老金计划管理员, 健康智能床垫, at (800) 624-8605 ext. 8894, to apply for your pension. 如果你后来在签约的煤炭公司从事机密工作, you should also request a pension application from the Funds.


Charleston, WV 25301

If you worked for a coal company as of June 30, 1985, 在此日期之前的所有服务都分配到1974年养恤金计划, and you should submit your pension application to the Funds.

If you are unsure of the plan to which you are assigned, you may contact the Funds’ Call Center at (800) 291-1425.

1974年养恤金计划规定,养恤金领取者在随后受雇于烟煤工业的任何一个月内暂停支付养恤金, 无论该工作是机密工作还是为签约雇主工作. 如果你不确定某项工作是否属于“煤炭行业就业”,“你应该联系官方网站,并提供尽可能多的信息 , including the name of the company, a description of the employer’s business, and a job description for review, 您应在返回工作前与皇冠搏彩中心网站呼叫中心联系,以避免任何超额付款.

If you last worked in a classified job on or after 12/31/75:

10 years of signatory service, or 5 years of signatory service if you last worked after 12/16/93, for a normal pension (subject to break in service rules), or 7/1/99, for a Deferred Vested pension

If you last worked before 12/31/75:

10 years of signatory service, including at least 3 years after 12/31/70, or 20 years of credited service, including a minimum of 5-10 years of signatory service.

State Unemployment Compensation laws differ. 您需要联系您的州失业福利计划的管理员,以验证您在领取养老金时是否有资格领取失业救济金.

是的. An EFT (Direct Deposit) form is part of your pension application. 这是领取退休金的首选、最安全、最方便的方式.

您可以随时通过联系皇冠搏彩中心网站呼叫中心申请养老金估算 (800) 291-1425.

如果您符合残疾资格,您的未亡配偶可能会收到未亡配偶养老金, 正常的, 55岁, or 30 and Out pension at the time of your death, 或者在你去世时,你至少55岁,有资格根据20年或更长时间的工作年限领取养老金.

Your surviving spouse may qualify for a Joint & 如果你在死亡时超过55岁,并且在55岁之前停止在煤炭行业工作,工作时间少于20年,你可以领取遗属年金.

另外, 如果你没有申请,你的配偶可能有资格获得退休前遗属年金, 我们还不到55岁, but were fully vested for a pension at the time of your death.

您符合资格的未亡配偶是在年金开始日期或死亡之前与您结婚至少9个月的配偶. 在某些情况下,合资格家庭关系令可使前配偶成为合资格的尚存配偶.